Nutrition News Daily

Please click the newspaper image for a fresh diet daily of three weight-loss stories and three general health stories affecting people across the nation. To protect your computer’s memory resources, MAKE SURE to close out the pop-up news story windows after the completion of each article.

Weight-loss News

How to fight hair loss


Progression-stage categories of hair loss

Hair falling out? Need hair health fast?

This might seem like a weird topic to talk about on a nutritionist’s blog site, however, this topic is based on personal experience. My natural reaction to hair loss is embarrassment. The more I read, however, the more I realize I really don’t need to feel that way. And so I became motivated to find the solution.

I’ve been told by some there are no real solutions and that I should just get some Rogaine for women and learn to live with it. “After all it is probably just genetic.” Arrgghhhh! Well, I relented and I did just that and it has seemed to help some. But I’m not looking for a Band-aid, I want to get to the root of the problem. No pun intended!

You see this problem with hair loss has been going on now for a couple of years and I’ve noticed it’s been increasing. My hair is getting thin enough now that the loss is noticeable to me. Fortunately, my curly locks help to hide it.

I saw my dermatologist today who very frankly recommended I take supplements of folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12 which are known to support hair health. I knew these were important nutrients to consume and I do eat foods with all of these nutrients and take a basic multivitamin. When I questioned him about this, he said it’s very likely that I wasn’t getting enough.

In my searching, I found a great article that I felt worth sharing that discusses the causes of hair loss. Click here to read the article. What I learned is that there are many reasons for hair loss and that can include nutrition deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and menopause.

If you’re also having a “bad hair” day, month or year like I have, start by eating a balanced, plant-based diet that includes moderate portions of protein-rich foods — the more organic, the better. Avoid or limit refined foods with added sugar, saturated fats and high sodium. Drink plenty of clean water and give up the soft drinks. Reduce your stress and increase your exercise.

I’ve already starting taking suggested supplements and I plan to write more about this journey to solve my “bad hair” year in the near future. Stay tuned.

Lori Drummond, R.D., L.D.

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Boomers need more protein

by Lori Drummond, RD, LD

Studies show that adding supplemental protein to the diet can be beneficial for aging baby boomers with a range of health issues. Because protein plays so many key roles in our body, we must keep our protein intake adequate.

Generally speaking, older people aren’t getting enough protein even though their needs are not as high as they once were.

As we mature, our physiological processes slow down and therefore extra attention must be placed on them in order to avoid the problems associated with aging. Simply put, as we age our bodies are in need of greater upkeep.

Click here to read the rest of this article

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More US employees dieting for dollars

 By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer Mike Stobbe, Ap Medical Writer

ATLANTA – How much money would it take to get you to lose some serious weight? $100? $500?

Many employers are betting they can find your price. At least a third of U.S. companies offer financial incentives, or are planning to introduce them, to get their employees to lose weight or get healthier in other ways.

“There’s been an explosion of interest in this,” said Dr. Kevin Volpp, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives.

Take OhioHealth, a hospital chain whose workforce is mostly overweight. The company last year embarked on a program that paid employees to wear pedometers and get paid for walking. The more they walk, the more they win — up to $500 a year.

Anecdotal success stories are everywhere. Half of the 9,000 employees at the chain’s five main hospitals signed up, more than $377,000 in rewards have already been paid out, and many workers tell of weight loss and a sudden need for slimmer clothes.

But does will this kind of effort really put a permanent dent in American’s seemingly intractable obesity problem? Not likely. [Read more...]

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Diagnosing digestion

Patrick Holford concentrates on health and nutrition directly influencing mental health. He is widely regarded as one of Britain’s best-selling authors and leading spokesmen on nutrition and mental health issues. In this video, Holford provides basic information about how to have healthier digestion. (

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Processed meat boosts health risk

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Eating bacon, sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that identifies the real bad boys of the meat counter.

Eating unprocessed beef, pork or lamb appeared not to raise risks of heart attacks and diabetes, they said, suggesting that salt and chemical preservatives may be the real cause of these two health problems associated with eating meat.

The study, an analysis of other research called a meta-analysis, did not look at high blood pressure or cancer, which are also linked with high meat consumption.

“To lower risk of heart attacks and diabetes, people should consider which types of meats they are eating,” said Renata Micha of the Harvard School of Public Health, whose study appears in the journal Circulation.

“Processed meats such as bacon, salami, sausages, hot dogs and processed deli meats may be the most important to avoid,” Micha said in a statement.

Based on her findings, she said people who eat one serving per week or less of processed meats have less of a risk.

The American Meat Institute objected to the findings, saying it was only one study and that it stands in contrast to other studies and the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

“At best, this hypothesis merits further study. It is certainly no reason for dietary changes,” James Hodges, president of the American Meat Institute, said in a statement.

Most dietary guidelines recommend eating less meat. Individual studies looking at relationships between eating meat and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have had mixed results.

But studies rarely look for differences in risk between processed and unprocessed red meats, Micha said.

She and colleagues did a systematic review of nearly 1,600 studies from around the world looking for evidence of a link between eating processed and unprocessed red meat and the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

They defined processed meat as any meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or with the addition of chemical preservatives. Meats in this category included bacon, salami, sausages, hot dogs or processed deli or luncheon meats.

Unprocessed red meat included beef, lamb or pork but not poultry.

They found that on average, each 1.8 oz (50 grams) daily serving of processed meat a day — one to two slices of deli meats or one hot dog — was associated with a 42 percent higher risk of heart disease and a 19 percent higher risk of developing diabetes.

They found no higher heart or diabetes risk in people who ate only unprocessed red meats.

The team adjusted for a number of factors, including how much meat people ate. They said lifestyle factors were similar between those who ate processed and unprocessed meats.

“When we looked at average nutrients in unprocessed red and processed meats eaten in the United States, we found that they contained similar average amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol,” Micha said.

“In contrast, processed meats contained, on average, four times more sodium and 50 percent more nitrate preservatives,” Micha added.

Last month, the Institute of Medicine urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to regulate the amount of salt added to foods to help Americans cut their high sodium intake.

The FDA has not yet said whether it will regulate salt in foods, but it is looking at the issue.


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Beware of the enemy within — diabetes

One-third of diabetics don’t know that they have the condition. How can you avoid being one of them? Check out this video!

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Don’t let your health take a vacation

Dr. Joseph Mercola reviews the basic food principles you need in order to understand healthy and practical options for diet while traveling or even at home.

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Bad diets out, nutrient density in

Joel Fuhrman, MD, talks about diets that don’t work, and nutrient density as the key to healthy eating.

Please click the video player screen below to watch the video.

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Can we starve cancer?


This is an amazing yet simple-to-follow video that will teach you much about the fight against cancer and how you can greatly help yourself through good nutrition.

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