Knowledge is power. We all know this is true. Particularly in the medical field.
Without knowledge, harmful health conditions cause more harm than they should. Please use the following list of links to help you toward better health.
General Medical Information
- Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ): Information on many topics
- American Academy of Family Physicians: Hundreds of articles plus a medical dictionary, a large drug information database, and flow charts that advise when to treat symptoms at home when to call the doctor
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Position statements and articles about children’s health and disease
- Gabe Mirkin, M.D., provides advice on hundreds of health, fitness and nutrition topics.
- HealthSquare: Comprehensive health information that includes searchable copies of PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs, PDR Family Guide Encyclopedia of Medicine, and PDR Guide to Women’s Health
- InteliHealth: Contains a wealth of information and answers individual questions.
- JAMA Patient Page: Single topic fact sheets issued weekly
- Keep Kids Healthy: Pediatric parenting advice
- Many brief articles about children’s health matters
- Mayo Experts from the Mayo Clinic have posted information on many topics. They also answer individual questions. Warning: Some of its articles about “complementary and alternative” methods are poorly written because the editors appear unwilling to say that worthless methods are worthless.
- MedicineNet: Discussions of many diseases and treatments. Written by physicians.
- MEDLINEplus: Free searching of the National Library of Medicine database of medical journal articles
- MEDLINEplus Drug Information: Database of 9,000 prescription and nonprescription drugs
- Medpie: Health news analyses
- The Merck Manual: This highly respected medical textbook covers most diseases, but much of it is too technical for laypersons. The consumer version is called the Merck Manual of Medical Information: Home Edition
- National Guideline Clearinghouse: Index to more than 1,000 published guidelines
- National Institutes of Health Consumer Health Information: Links to more than 250 reports
- NetWellness: The University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and Ohio State University offer information for consumers and an “Ask an Expert” service. Ohio residents can access a huge amount of additional information through their public libraries.
- Physicians Health Study: Harvard’s studies of widely used preventive health measures
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Analyzes the scientific basis and cost-effectiveness of interventions for more than 80 potentially preventable diseases and conditions. The third (2000-2005) edition is being posted as segments become available.
- Virtual Hospital: University of Iowa’s searchable database of articles plus links to peer-reviewed Web sites
Food and Nutrition
- Agricultural Research Service Nutrient Data Laboratory: Food composition data
- American Dietetic Association
- Council on Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST): Position papers on food, nutrition, and agricultual issues
- CyberDiet: Nutrition, diet, and fitness
- FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
- Gateway to consumer information on food safety
- Institute of Food Technologists: Scientific status summaries and “Communicator Alerts” on many current issues
- International Food Information Council Foundation (IFIC): Covers nutrition, food safety, and health
- Iowa State University Food Safety Project
- National Dairy Council:
- Nutrition Perspectives: Bimonthly newsletter of the University of California Cooperative Extension
- NutriWatch: Quackwatch’s guide to nutrition and food safety
- Partnership for Healthy Weight Management:
- United States Department of Agriculture: The USDA Web site provides a wealth of news and other useful information
- Food and Nutrition Service
- Guide to healthful food choices
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